As a New Year’s gift to young lure makers from Handmade League of Serbia, a Facebook group of lure makers I established year ago, I gave myself a challenge: make it quick, make it educational, make it with only the basic tools and make it attractive to fish!
Here’s the result: a 30min twitch that will dry enough before you get to your nearest fishing point.
Epoxy isn’t set yet, even primer isn’t set yet, I know, I know… Hey, I make lures! I can do things like this, or whatever I want to when it comes to lure making, so…
I hope I have given new players in the game a useful present. All the best to all of you!
This isn’t remotely the way I make my lures. This is just a basic, amateur lure making video made to show youngsters or newcomers one way to make the usable fishing lure. It isn’t too pretty, it very remotely resembles my lures, but, hey, you can successfully fish on it!
I did not measure the exact time, but five songs passed, so I figure about 30 min, from start to finish. So, give your self a challenge, make lure and catch on it fish the same day, or tomorrow morning. Happen to me many times.